
Naše informácie a analýzy sa ponoria do tém dekarbonizácie a udržateľnosti.

What's So Hard About Emission Abatement? It's the Incentives

Heavy industries’ emissions are deemed hard to abate. Not only are they energy intensive but steel, cement and chemical production also bring hefty carbon emissions from the processes used. The broad consensus related to the hard-to-abate sectors is that their decarbonization requires both demand and supply forces. We need significant demand reductions as well as material efficiency, recycling efforts and deployment of new technologies at the supply side.

29 / 04 / 2022 Čítaj viac

Pursuing RePowerEU

In March, the European Commission announced unprecedented actions to double down on the EU’s decoupling from Russian gas imports.

29 / 03 / 2022 Čítaj viac

Pracovná skupina pre priemysel

Pracovná skupina bude združovať rozhodujúcich a kľúčových aktérov V4, ktorí poskytnú odborné znalosti, vzájomné hodnotenia výskumu a budú pôsobiť ako ambasádori projektu.

Partneri projektu

  • Europeum
  • ISFC
  • Mesa10
  • Equilibrium Institute
  • WiseEuropa
  • Germany